Walls polished smooth with timeless rush of snowmelt |
thunder heads gathering in the west sky |
Warm spring days beg the hiking shoes to hit the trails. A quick trip to Glacier and Avalanche Creek. The trail to the Lake is still covered with snow . We hiked a bit up the gorge and along the creek . Warm in the valley with snow on the mountains. A warm May with temperatures 20 degrees over the average for this time of year.
McDonald Lake Spring Melt |
McDonald Lake always looks perfect .I can imagine the plowing crews as they creep over the Continental Divide in the distance.
Snow melt water fall |
For a bit the snow gives way to plunging waterfalls. Those steep cliffs are favorites of the Mountain Goats.
Baby Aspen Leaves |
Avalanche Creek Watershed |
Coming back from the Avalanche Trail the Gorge creates it's magic with shape and sounds. The gorge is beautifully carved stone a product of millions of years of snow melt and run off .
Avalanche creek and Gorge |
Home again the Bleeding Hearts have arrived and are blooming . I am hoping the deer do not find them tempting.
Bleeding Hearts return |
Time to take the dogs for a walk
Home again and happy to see the dogs. The park is full of wild animals and grumpy griz waking up so they had to stay home. But now is their turn and time for a walk.