Izaak Walton Inn in Essex |
Hopping in the trusty vehicle we head East on Hwy 2 towards the southern border of Glacier Park .
First destination is Essex and the Izaak Walton Inn. We are just checking things out . Here in the heart of the mountains there has been a lot of snow . 5 to 6 feet on the side of the road into the Inn. The road itself has at least 6 inches of packed ice . Up ahead are some car swallowing holes filled with slushy ice water. However I don't know they are there yet.
Essex Caboose |
The caboose is one of the places you can secure lodging if you are feeling adventurous. Remember this is March 23rd. We are grateful for the sun here. After a couple of close calls with the giant slush holes , we are back on Hwy 2 and rolling towards Browning. Just past Browning on the east side of town we dip south on Hwy 89 and head to Choteau.
Freeze Out Snow Geese |
Our destination is Freeze Out Lake just East of Choteau near Fairfield. Freeze Out is a shallow reservoir that is on the migration route of snow geese, swans and canadian geese. There are about 40,000
snow geese on the lake today .Some estimate 300,000 migrate through in March. The sound of all these birds is amazing to hear. ( see end of blog for a video ) You have to wonder what they are saying to each other . It is an overcast day but this is not dampening their spirits .
For some great close up pictures of the snow geese check
jason savage photography . He has some nice captures of these birds as well as other wildlife .
40,000 Snow Geese |
So the birds are landing and calling to each other on the lake. Every once in a while they lift up as a group and circle the lake in a large mass . Then they settle again , more goose squawking . Despite the cold and the wind there is a vibrant energy in the air as these migrating birds land for a bit of rest .
Freeze Out Lake |
Snow Geese preparing to take off |
This is a great place for these geese to rest . They have the protection of the water and fields to glean nearby . Grains for fermentation are grown in abundance in this area. Some good energy for the geese as they prepare to fly north to the tip of Canada at the Arctic Circle and the Hudson Bay.
Snow Geese |
Taking off late afternoon |
Wetlands near Freeze Out Lake |
I am always amazed at the strength and determination of these migrating birds. What great faith to follow that internal programming , to fly into the evening pushing farther North . No maps, no GPS ,
nolong range vision , just following their internal compass.
Dino in Bynum |
Back on Hwy 89 we slow down in Bynum Montana. Yes that is a dinosaur. Apparently there were some prehistoric reptiles in the area many years ago with some good fossil beds to unearth these ancient terrors. Now this nice town of 31 souls hosts the Two Medicine Dinosaur Museum where you can explore these reptiles of old. The locals need to be really hearty . For one the Dinos and two it is fairly isolated here not to mention the ever present wind found on the eastern front.
High Plains |
Driving north on Hwy 89 we are in the high plains and in view of the Eastern Rocky Mountain Front. It is windy and cold in the 20s but the sun is out and we will take that . A big decision whether to go back home by Marias Pass or south to Rogers Pass. Hard decisions. Earlier in the day there was a good snow storm on the Eastern Marias Pass to Browning . Marias Pass won out and the weather was decent considering this is the northern most crossing of the continental divide by a state highway. Of course there is a more northern crossing with the Going to the Sun road but it is deep under the 30 + feet of snow from this winter.
The Front Range |
Marias Pass with a good view of the Lewis overthrust |
One of the more interesting aspects of living in NW MT is the geology . ok I suppose the snow is a close second. Marias Pass is a great example of the
Lewis Overthrust fault . A large chunk of real estate consisting of older rocks that was shoved on top of the younger rocks. In the above picture you can see the fault line despite the snow . It is the distinctive horizontal line about halfway down the mountain. At Marias Pass there is a nice presentation of the geology and exploration of the pass.
Marias Pass |
The Amtrak Empire Builder runs through this area . This makes for a nice trip. The next day driving home the neighborhood elk were hanging out in the fields with their wild eyes.
Neighbor Elk |
Below is a nice 11 second video of the snow geese and all of their wonderful goose chat . Courtesy of Kathleen Speier .
This blog today is dedicated to Ana Claire who was born 5 years ago during the epic migration of the Snow Geese . Happy Birthday Ana !! May you grow to be just as brave and strong as these beautiful birds.