Sunday, June 10, 2012

Raindrops, puddles and ducks

 It would seem that driving to work I am cruising through Iowa or Kansas. Green fields roll on for miles. Verdant fertile greening everywhere.
But look ! Where did they come from ! Yea you!Those 7000 foot Mountains. Ok so we are not in Kansas.
 We are having "Duck" weather. And to prove it there are the Ducks. We are at the north end of Lake Blaine and it is drippy out. However this pair of mallards don't seem to mind too much.
 A solitary water fowl on the larger portion of the Lake. The lake is what I call a trapped lake. No real outlet. Which is fine . Except it has rained forever and the snow is melting . At the moment the water is lapping at the road at my feet. Another foot and I will have wet toes.
 This is a sweet little Wind in the Willows type pond that is part of a small stream. The water is so clear.
 Nice quiet forests interspersed through out the fields.
 wildflowers dot the fields along the road . Below some nice friendly yellow daisy like flowers. The ducks and flowers seem to be enjoying the rain. We will have plenty of sunny days as the summer progresses.

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