Tuesday, October 23, 2012

First Snow

 First snow to lay. Oct 23. Early by anyone's reckoning. Perhaps it will melt but we are forecasted to have snow all this week . Time to put the snow tires on.
 Deep in the woods the happy little Colorado Spruce have their first dusting of snow. Yesterday was busy planting the rest of the potted plants before the snow started.
Evidence that the deer came through early this morning. We will see if any other visitors are around the rest of the day.


  1. and so it begins... snow returns to the mountains once again -
    get those snow tires on! and be careful -

  2. the weather has a mind of its own...it appears to be more than a light dusting? There was snow in Alberta last week...was expecting it to come this way, but it doesn't look like it will this week. It is still rather warm here, we generally consider ourselves lucky if we get past Halloween with out snow. :~)



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