Sunday, February 5, 2012


I was driving home last week when a couple of deer loped across the road and into the adjacent field. The world was  filled with sulky blue-gray, the fields were neutral with the sun toying with hints of golden. It is said by some that if animals stop and look you in the eye they are conveying a message or energy to you . These two deer reached the safety of the field , turned and stood for some time . Of course there is not much traffic here therefore we had a moment. It feels like their message was to see life as simple. Tease it apart and enjoy the sun, the wind and the moment. Eventually this pair jogged off towards the mountains as I eased towards the general direction of home.


  1. moments of commune - with other living things - are so beautiful... i will never forget a moment when a large black snake came up near me, raised its head and looked right at me - held the gaze for a moment and then left... you feel the weight of it... so glad you had that moment of wonder and grounding...

  2. When I first moved a white rabbit hopped up the drive and stopped in front of the house . He just sat there looking . It was odd. Lots of these encounters. Kind of fun!


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