Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Little Feet Adventure during Spring Melt

Saturday morning and time to load up the car. The Most Coveted Marley and I went on an adventure in Glacier. Snow melt going well with McDonald Creek filled to the brim. This is a creek but right now it roars like a mighty river. Marley is looking over the drop off and wants to explore. He is on a leash so he isn't going anywhere over the stone wall. 
 Farther up the road ( Going to the Sun) there is a pull off by some cataracts. The water here is 15 feet across and probably about 10 feet deep . The current is massive as it channels through the rocks.
 After hiking the Trail of the Cedars there is the Avalanche Gorge. The Avalanche trail branches off for a nice hike to Avalanche Lake. Lots of bears up there at the moment according to the sign posted at the beginning of the trail.
 Nice view of the mountains driving up the road.
 Swift flowing stream racing with great joy to the lake.
 cheerful blue flowers and some wild strawberries along the trail. The bear grass is just budding and starting to bloom.
 The Most Coveted Marley hanging in the backseat.
 Hiking along the road towards Fisher Creek is McDonald Creek as it exits from McDonald Lake. The continental divide is in the distance.
 The water is crystal clear and a beautiful colour with teals and turquoise.
 Looking across the creek the water is glorious!
We take some time to say Hi to the water spirit. The area is full of joy and abundant energy. Marley is enjoying the water taking a bit of a wade through shallow waters near the edge of the creek. Thus ends a nice balmy day and a water adventure for Little Feet.
Happy Iris in the yard

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